Disable Macros In Word For Mac

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The security of macro is a key element for the security of Excel. Therefore, today we will talk about how to enable/disable macros in your Excel.

Macro is very effective in dealing with complex tasks. However, there will also be dangers in some macro-enabled workbooks. If you run those macros unintentionally, your Excel could be damaged. Hence, correctly enabling/disabling macros macro is rather important.

Open the Macro Settings Dialog

Before you modify the settings, you need to open the macro settings window. And in Excel, there are two methods to do this. Below are the steps about those two different methods.

Method 1:

  1. Click the tab “File” in the ribbon.
  2. Then click the button “Options”.
  3. Next in the “Excel Options” window, click the last option “Trust Center”.
  4. After that, click the button “Trust Center Settings”.
  5. And then in this “Trust Center” window, choose the option “Macro Settings”.

Thus, you can see all the settings in the window. There are four options that you could choose from.

Method 2:

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Before you use this method, you need to add the “Developer” tab in the ribbon. If you have already added the tab, you can go to step 5 directly.

  1. Right click any of a tab in the ribbon.
  2. And then choose the option “Customize the Ribbon” in the pop-up menu.
  3. In the “Excel Options” window, check the tab “Developer” in the “Main Tabs” area.
  4. Next click the button “OK” to save the setting. Thus, you have added the tab to the Excel ribbon.
  5. Now click the tab “Developer” in the ribbon.
  6. Then click the button “Macro Security” in the “Code” area.

Therefore, you can also open the “Macro Settings” dialog.

When you have added the “Developer” tab in the ribbon, using the second method can be quicker. You may choose either of the two methods according to your habit.

Enable/Disable Macros

In the “Macro Settings” window, there are four options that you could choose. And here we will explain the difference among those options. Thus, you can know about the enable/disable macros in your worksheet.

  1. Disable all macros without notification

Suppose you will never use any macros and want to disable them, you may choose this option. The next time you open a macro-enabled Excel workbook, you will not see any notifications about macros.

However, you can still open the Visual Basic editor and check the codes. But the macros in the file are all in design mode.

When you press the button “F5” on the keyboard or click the button “Run Sub” in the toolbar, you will see this information like the image shows.

The macros in this file are all disabled and you are unable to run any of them. This is the effect of the first option in macro settings.

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  1. Disable all macros with notification

By default, Excel will choose this option for macro settings. And the difference between the two options is the notification. Under this option, when opening a macro-enabled workbook, you will see the security warning. And there is also a button “Enable Content”.

If you directly open the Visual Basic editor and run a macro, you will again see the information shows that macros are disabled. But now you are sure that this macro is safe, you can reopen the file. Then click the button “Enable Content” in the “Security Warning”. Thus, the macros in this macro-enabled file are all available. What’s more, the nest time you open this file, you will not see this warning. Excel is smart enough to note down your manipulation and it remembers that this file is safe.

  1. Disable all macros except digital signed macros

Here comes the third option. This option is very easy to understand. When you choose this option, all the macros will be disabled. But there exist certain macros and they are digitally signed. And those macros are treated as safe. Therefore, under this option, you can run these signed macros in your computer.

  1. Enable all macros

When you choose this option, you can run all the macros in macro-enabled files. In addition, there is also an explanation next to this option show that it is not recommend to check this option. This is true because sometimes it’s hard for you to distinguish the malicious macros. And the result of those malicious files can be disastrous. Unless you can make sure that you will not receive those unusual files, you are not recommended to choose this option.

The above are the deep analysis about those macro settings. Hence, you could choose them according to your need.

Trusted Documents

There exists a different condition when you choose the first option for the macro setting. You will find that you can still run macros in certain macro-enabled workbooks.

This is because Excel can remember your previous operation. Before you choose the first option for the macro setting, the default setting is “Disable all macros with notification”. Under this condition, you have clicked the button “Enable Content” for those macro-enabled workbooks. And Excel remembers this operation. Actually, the memory of process is that Excel will add the file to the trusted documents when you click “Enable Content”. Hence, you will not see the security warning the next time you open the file. And even if you change the macro setting into “Disable all macros without notification”, those files are trusted documents. Therefore, you can still run macros in those files. If you need to disable them, you may follow the steps below.

  1. In “Trust Center” window, choose the option “Trusted Documents”.
  2. After that, click the button “Clear” in the window.
  3. Next you will see a pop-up window. Click “Yes” in this dialog.
  4. After that, click the button “OK”. Thus, all the trusted files are cleared. And now, you cannot run any macros in those macro-enabled files.

Avoid Macro Corruption in Your Excel Files

Sometimes the macros in your Excel files will also corrupt. And the result can be rather annoying because you need to stop your work and fix those files. Besides, macro corruption can sometimes result to worse result. For example, you cannot get access to other files or your computer will be attacked by unknown virus. And at this moment, you can repair Excel problem by using our powerful tool. With the cutting-edge technology, you can repair all the problems easily.

Author Introduction:

Anna Ma is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including repair docx data error and outlook repair software products. For more information visit www.datanumen.com

How to remove all macros from document in Word?

How can we quickly remove all macros from document in Word? This article will talk about 3 tricky things to remove all macros in Word.

One click to remove all macros from the current Word document with an amazing tool

Kutools for Word releases a handy Remove All Macros feature to help you remove all macros from the current Word document with just one click easily! Click for 60-day free trial!

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Remove a macro in Word

This method will guide you to remove a macro at a time with the Macros feature in Word. Please do as follows:

1. In Word, press Alt + F8 keys together to activate the Macros dialog.

Other methods to activate the Macros dialog:
(1) In Word 2010 or later versions, you can click View > Macros to activate the Macros dialog;
(2) In Word 2007, you need to enable the Developer tab by clicking Office button > Word Options and checking Show Developer tab in the Ribbon in the Popular tab of Word Options dialog, and then click Developer > Macros to activate the Macros dialog.

2. In the Macros dialog, please select the macro you want to remove, and click the Delete button. See screenshot:

3. Now in the Microsoft Word dialog, please click the Yes button to go ahead.

4. If you need to continue deleting macros, please repeat above Step 2 to remove a macro at a time, and then close the Macros dialog.

One click to remove all macros quickly in Word

Kutools for Word provides a handy tool, Remove All Macros, to help you remove all macros in Word with only one click.

Kutools for Word: a powerful add-in contains 100+ tools, and it can boost 80% work efficiency in your Word daily working! Get It Now!

Just click Kutools > Remove >Remove All Macros to remove all macros from the current Word document.

Kutools will report the macros information of current document in a dialog. Please click the Yes button to go ahead.

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